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Software Park Thailand Code Camp 3 Node.JS


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Course content

Basic Web Frontend: Prepare/Setup Editor

Prepare/Setup Editor

Basic Web Frontend: HTML

Basic Web Frontend: Git

Basic Web Frontend: Basic Javascript

Basic Web Frontend: Pointer

Basic Web Frontend: Responsive Web Design

Basic Web Frontend: jQuery

Basic Web Frontend: Bootstrap, jQuery and Webpack

Basic Web Backend, Koa: Functional programming

Basic Web Backend, Koa: Node.JS

Basic Web Backend, Koa: promise/async/await

Basic Web Backend, Koa: Koa ejs,Koa static,Koa Router Basic

Basic Web Backend, Koa: Koa Database connect,pooling,middleware

Database: Basic SQL

Database: Joins and Associations

Database: Aggregate Functions + Sub-Queries

Database: Schema Design

Database: Design Pattern + active record

Advance Web Backend, Authentication: HTTP Request method, REST and API Consumption, Routing

Advance Web Backend, Authentication: Encode, Hash, Encryption,Compression, upload, email

Advance Web Backend, Authentication: Authentication, cookie, session

Advance Web Backend, Authentication: Facebook Login, API

Advance Web Frontent, React: OOP

Advance Web Frontent, React: React, JSX

Advance Web Frontent, React: Prop, state

Advance Web Frontent, React: Event Handler

Advance Web Frontent, React: Mounting Life Cycle Method

Advance Web Frontent, React: React Router + Single Page Apps

Advance Web Frontent, React: Redux

DevOps: Cloud deployment and linux

DevOps: Public/Private key authen, Basic networking and security

DevOps: Reverse Proxy, Scaling, Process Manager

Optimization, Advance Technique: Monitoring and Optimization

Optimization, Advance Technique: Recapture Before Exam

Optimization, Advance Technique: Test Driven Development

Optimization, Advance Technique: Test Driven Development 2

Algorithm: Big O, Sorting Algorithms

Algorithm: Link List, Stack, Queue

Algorithm: Graph and Binary Search Trees, AVL Trees

Project: Scrum Training

About Course

คอร์สนี้สำหรับผู้ลงทะเบียนโครงการ Software Park Thailand Code Camp เท่านั้น

Course Staff

Instructor #1 – Paiboon Panusbordee

Program Director โครงการ Software Park Thailand Code Camp and Chief Technology Officer Codekit Innovation Co., Ltd.

Instructor #2 – Thanatat Tamtan

Chief Execuitive Officer – Moon Rhythm Co., Ltd.

Instructor #3 – Nitipan Pompan

Senior Software Developer Essilor Manufacturing

Instructor #4 – Panot Wongkhot

Senior Software Developer – Moon Rhythm Co., Ltd.


  • ต้องเรียน Codekit บท Complete web development มาก่อน
  • ต้องเรียน Codecademy บท Javascript มาก่อนถึงบทที่ 8 (Objects)


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