Prepare your development environment for Azure development
Set up your development environment Eclipse
Set up your development environment IntelliJ IDEA
Set up your development environment Visual Studio Code
Set up your development environment Visual Studio Code Visual Studio
Exercise – Set up your development environment Eclipse
Exercise – Set up your development environment IntelliJ IDEA
Exercise – Set up your development environment Visual Studio Code
Exercise – Set up your development environment Visual Studio
Host a web application with Azure App service
Create a web app in the Azure portal
Exercise – Create a web app in the Azure portal
Exercise – Create a web app in the Azure portal C#
Exercise – Create a web app in the Azure portal Java
Exercise – Create a web app in the Azure portal Node.js
Exercise – Write code to implement a web application
Exercise – Write code to implement a web application C#
Exercise – Write code to implement a web application Java
Exercise – Write code to implement a web application Node.js
Deploy code to App Service
Exercise – Deploy your code to App Service
Exercise – Deploy your code to App Service C#
Exercise – Deploy your code to App Service Java
Exercise – Deploy your code to App Service Node.js
Publish a web app to Azure with Visual Studio
Install the necessary workloads
Exercise – Create a new ASP.NET Core app
Explore the Azure App Service
Exercise – Publish an ASP.NET app from Visual Studio
Explore your Visual Studio App Project
Exercise – Publish an update to your site
Stage a web app deployment for testing and rollback by using App Service deployment slots
Create deployment slots Knowledge Check
Exercise – Create deployment slots
Deploy a web app by swapping deployment slots
Exercise – Deploy a web app by using deployment slots
Scale an App Service web app to efficiently meet demand with App Service scale up and scale out
Exercise – Scale a web app manually
Exercise – Scale up a web app
Deploy and run a containerized web app with Azure App Service
Build and store images by using Azure Container Registry
Exercise – Build and store an image by using Azure Container Registry
Exercise – Build and store an image by using Azure Container Registry C#
Exercise – Build and store an image by using Azure Container Registry JavaScript
Examine the container registry
Deploy a web app by using an image from an Azure Container Registry repository
Exercise – Create and deploy a web app from a Docker image
Exercise – Create and deploy a web app from a Docker image C#
Exercise – Create and deploy a web app from a Docker image JavaScript
Update the image and automatically redeploy the web app
Exercise – Modify the image and redeploy the web app
Exercise – Modify the image and redeploy the web app C#
Exercise – Modify the image and redeploy the web app JavaScript