Create an Azure Cosmos DB database built to scale
Exercise – Create an Azure Cosmos DB account in the Azure portal
What is a request unit? Knowledge Chekc
Choose a partition key in Azure Cosmos DB
Choose a partition key in Azure Cosmos DB Knowledge Check
Exercise – Create a database and container in Azure Cosmos DB
Choose the appropriate API for Azure Cosmos DB storage
Identify the technology options
Analyze the decision criteria
Use Core (SQL) to store a product catalog
Use the Gremlin (graph) API as a recommendation engine
Use MongoDB to import historical order data
Use Cassandra for web analytics
Use the Azure Table API to store IoT data
Insert and query data in your Azure Cosmos DB database
Exercise – set up your Azure Cosmos DB database and container
Exercise – add data using Data Explorer
Explore SQL query types Knowledge Check
Exercise – run queries using Data Explorer
Define stored procedures and user-defined functions
Exercise – run complex operations on your data
Store and access graph data in Azure Cosmos DB with the Graph API
Determine if a graph database fits the data needs of your application
Build an application that stores graph data using the Gremlin API
Exercise – Build an application that stores graph data using the Gremlin API
Exercise – Build an application that stores graph data using the Gremlin API C#
Exercise – Build an application that stores graph data using the Gremlin API Javascript
Examine your data in the Azure portal
Query graph data from an application using gremlin api
Exercise – Query graph data from an application using Gremlin API
Exercise – Query graph data from an application using Gremlin API C#
Exercise – Query graph data from an application using Gremlin API JavaScript
Store and Access NoSQL Data with Azure Cosmos DB and the Table API
Move an app to Azure Cosmos DB table storage
Exercise – Move an app to Azure Cosmos DB table storage C#
Exercise – Move an app to Azure Cosmos DB table storage Javascript
Build a .NET Core app for Azure Cosmos DB in Visual Studio Code
Exercise – Create Azure Cosmos DB resources in Visual Studio Code
Exercise – Set up your app in Visual Studio Code
Exercise – Create, read, update, and delete NoSQL data programmatically
Exercise – Query using the Azure Cosmos DB .NET Core SDK
Exercise – Create and run stored procedures from your app
Optimize the performance of Azure Cosmos DB by using partitioning and indexing strategies
Measure the rate of data processing in Request Units
Exercise – Create and populate your Azure Cosmos DB collections
Exercise – Monitor and measure your Azure Cosmos DB database
Identify a partition strategy for your Azure Cosmos DB data
Identify a partition strategy for your Azure Cosmos DB data Knowledge Check
Exercise – Measure the impact of partition key choice
Identify indexing strategies for your Azure Cosmos DB data
Exercise – Measure the impact of index policy choice
Exercise – Measure the impact of index policy choice Knowledge Check
Distribute your data globally with Azure Cosmos DB
Exercise – Distribute data globally
Write to multiple regions
Write to multiple regions Knowledge Check
Exercise – Change global read and write priorities
Choose a consistency level
Choose a consistency level Knowledge Check