Provision an Azure SQL database to store application data
Plan your Azure SQL database
Exercise – Create your Azure SQL database
Exercise – Connect to your database and add sample data
Create an Azure Database for PostgreSQL server
Introduction to Azure Database for PostgreSQL
The Azure Database for PostgreSQL offering
Create an Azure Database for PostgreSQL server using the Azure portal
Create an Azure Database for PostgreSQL server using the Azure CLI
Exercise – Create an Azure Database for PostgreSQL server via the Azure CLI
Server security considerations
Exercise – Connect to an Azure Database for PostgreSQL server
Scale multiple Azure SQL Databases with SQL elastic pools
Create a SQL elastic pool
Exercise – Create a SQL elastic pool
Manage SQL elastic pools performance and cost
Exercise – Manage SQL elastic pools
Secure your Azure SQL Database
Exercise – Set up sandbox environment
Exercise – Restrict network access
Exercise – Control who can access your database
Exercise – Secure your data in transit, at rest, and on display
Exercise – Monitor your database