Choose a data storage approach in Azure
Classify your data Knowledge Check
Determine operational needs
Group multiple operations in a transaction
Group multiple operations in a transaction Knowledge Check
Choose a storage solution on Azure
Create an Azure Storage account
Decide how many storage accounts you need
Choose your account settings
Choose an account creation tool
Exercise – Create a storage account using the Azure portal
Create a storage account Knowledge check
Connect an app to Azure Storage
Explore Azure storage services
Exercise – Create a new app to work with Azure storage
Exercise – Create a new app to work with Azure storage C#
Exercise – Create a new app to work with Azure storage JavaScript
Exercise – Create an Azure storage account
Interact with the Azure Storage APIs
Exercise – Add the storage client library to your app
Exercise – Add the storage client library to your app C#
Exercise – Add the storage client library to your app JavaScript
Connect to your Azure storage account
Exercise – Add Azure Storage configuration to your app
Exercise – Add Azure Storage configuration to your app C#
Exercise – Add Azure Storage configuration to your app Javascript
Initialize the storage account model C#
Initialize the storage account model Javascript
Exercise – Connect with your Azure Storage configuration
Exercise – Connect with your Azure Storage configuration C#
Exercise – Connect with your Azure Storage configuration Javascript
Secure your Azure Storage account
Explore Azure Storage security features
Understand storage account keys
Understand shared access signatures
Control network access to your storage account
Understand Advanced Threat Protection for Azure Storage
Explore Azure Data Lake Storage security features
Store application data with Azure Blob storage
Introduction to Blob storage
Design a storage organization strategy
Design a storage organization strategy Knowledge Check
Exercise – Create Azure storage resources
Exercise – Configure and initialize the client library
Exercise – Get blob references
Exercise – Blob uploads and downloads